We provide highly structured tutoring for Physics which ensures that your grades are in the high 90βs. By following this structured approach, students are well prepared for their tests and more importantly reduces the stress that they are under.
When we tutor Physics, we emphasize the concepts because once the student grasps the concepts, they are easily able to solve any problem. You might think that you understand the concept when we teach physics, but it is when you are solving problems that you begin to truly understand the concepts.
In every Physics Tutoring Session, we teach two topics that the student is doing in school; then to ensure they understand the concepts, we give them practice work to do from the same textbook that they are using in school.
We want the students to eventually become self learners which is a valuable skill in University and beyond. It is best to start Physics tutoring when the student is in grade 9 as they are first introduced to concepts in physics. This way you can build a great foundation in Physics that ensures excellent grades in grade 11 and grade 12.
Build a solid foundation in physics, and you give the student an opportunity in very technical fields like Engineering and Give the student a good foundation in Chemistry and they can soar to great heights.
Grade 12 Physics Academic (SPH4U)
Grade 12 Physics College Prep(SPH4C)
Grade 12 Science College Prep (SNC4M) -
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Classical Mechanics
Waves and Modern Physics
Fluid Mechanics
Electronic Circuits
The IB program has SL (Standard Level) Physics and HL (High Level) Physics. The SL Physics is a combination of regular grade 11 and grade 12 Phyiscs. The HL Physics is a combination of grade 11, 12 and first year Physics.
SL Physics begins in September of your grade 11βth year and will continue till May when you will write your IB exam. HL begins in February and goes for 3 semesters and you would write your IB exam the following May.