
Our goal at Zylor Education is to teach Math using a structured approach. We follow the Ontario curriculum and follow what the student is doing in school. During every session, we teach students two topics and then assign them homework on those same concepts. The practice work students do is the key to reinforce concepts that they learned during the tutoring session.

Why the discipline? It’s because this is essential for students to learn to study on their own. Once they accomplish that, they will obtain excellent grades in math. It is very important to start tutoring Math at an early age, so that students can build a good foundation. This foundation goes on to ensure that they get 90’s in Math in Grade 11 and Grade 12 and furthermore, succeed in University.

We teach math from elementary to university. In Ontario we teach at all levels: Advanced Functions, Calculus and Vectors, Data Management, Functions etc. We also tutor AP and IB Math as well. We can also help you with mixed and applied math.

Grade 12 Calculus And Vectors Tutoring Gets You Over 95%!

Why are we so confident? Because we take a disciplined approach to tutoring. We do not approach Calculus and Vectors tutoring by just “asking the student what they want to learn”. This does not produce good grades!

If your goal is to get into University of Waterloo’s Engineering or Computer Science program or the University of Toronto Engineering or Computer Science program, you need to come to us for Calculus and Vectors Tutoring so that your marks are in the high 90’s. Anything less and you will face challenges getting into these very competitive programs.

